Month: February 2018

How Will You Spot High Quality Crystal Vases and Other Crystal Wares?

Ting….. Crystal quality is fine!

Over the years, the best way to find the quality of the glass wares has been by tapping on it to hear the ‘ting’ sound. But what if I tell you, there is a way to spot the right quality of crystal wares like crystal wine glasses and others. You can definitely give your ears some rest by reading the post below.


Firstly, let us distinguish between crystal and glass. Well, the major difference between the two is that glass, which contains soda-lime, has about 50% to 60 % silica and no lead in them. On the other hand, crystal contains more than 24 % of lead.

Now, crystal is made up of silica, soda and lead oxide. This material is considered to be exceptionally beautiful and strong. Clearer the crystal piece is, more is the lead content present in them.

Choosing a real crystal needs to have a haunting eye to it. The real crystal has a reflective quality and the lead content is one basic characteristic amongst all. Any real form of crystal shows more clarity than any soda-lime glass ware.

Due to its reflective quality, crystals are extensively used in jewellery pendants, chandeliers and fancy looking wine glasses. Very reputed companies also supply crystals which contain more than 30 % lead content. They often design crystal trophies.

There are certain tips that one should follow to differentiate between soda lime glasses and crystals. Read along!

crystal wine carafes

  • Crystals with over 35 % of lead content will have a magnificent sparkling nature.
  • If crystal wine carafes contain less than 24 % of lead content, the manufacturer by law cannot call those a real crystal ware.
  • Real crystals has the following properties:

  • Bright reflective quality
  • Rainbow prism effect when seen in light
  • Clear overall appearance
  • Thinner than regular soda lime glass
  • Heavier than regular soda lime glass

Checking such attributes and following the above mentioned features, you can easily spot high quality crystal vases and other crystal glass wares.